Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Week 5 Extra Credit Assignment

Week 5 Extra Credit Assignment

Q Watch the TED talk included in this week's Module. One of the things Alexander Velazquez says that really resonates with me is, "The biggest thing that effective communication requires is the following: Humility. There are two keys to Humility: (Number 1) You can always be wrong, and when you are open to the possibility of being wrong, you are open to opposing viewpoints. (Number 2) It is not about you; it's about your audience, when you create messages with your audience in mind, you will present to the best way your audience receives it, and not how you would best receive it." Write one or two paragraphs telling me whether or not you agree with Velazquez's statements and try and relate it to a real world situation that has happened, (or is currently happening) in your professional career, academic career, or life.

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The values of communication that have been highlighted by Alexander Velazquez in his Ted Talk speech are very agreeable and indeed needed in life (TedTalks, 2020). Among those, humility is a trait that must be adopted to ensure effective communication. The two key elements of humility that are also important aspects of any meaningful communication are first, the ability to be open to the possibility of being wrong, and second, interpreting the message according to the audiences’ retaining ability. These values not only make communication better and easier but also presents a positive picture of the speaker in the audience’s mind.